I have determined one of the effects of my little meeting with my unconscious mind:
I did some more experiments last night, and I realized what any doctor would call the physiological effects that I described: I’ve found a way to induce epileptic seizures. And I seem to be able to control them completely– onset, depth, length, and purpose.
It is as though there’s a little tunnel inside my head, which I may enter as I choose. Inside is the unconscious, waiting to commune with me. I close my eyes, and will myself there, and say, “Okay, Mr. Unconscious, I am here; talk to me,” and the twitches start, and the thunderstorm in my head begins to build, although all I need to do is will it to stop and it does.
This is clearly a gift, and knowing how such seizures have been used in history, and knowing the extent of unconscious knowledge, it has the potential to be a very powerful gift. The question is, is it a purely benign gift, is this a gift like the wishes in… what was that book again? I forget.
In response to that last sentence, I felt my unconscious mind offering the answer by presenting itself, like a shadow coming up from behind me, and my legs started twitching, as though it was saying, “Yes, like this!” I turned it down (and got the answer later: the Neverending Story), but wow.
I am Epileptic Seizure Man, defender of the good.