I’ve been working on a new game for parties: a Rocky Horror version of Monopoly.
I consider this something of a gift to the community for all the good times I’ve had so far. We may only play it once, but I hope you’ll all enjoy it, for it’s novelty if not more.
If you have time, take a look at the game so far, and give me your ideas. I particularly need more fun sexual favors (used as money), and more chance and theatre basement cards. You can get a sense of what I’m looking for from the ones I have up.
I’m open to ideas on all levels. It’s well known that my sense of what’s appropriate at parties is a bit skewed, but I’ve tried to make it accessible to everyone. I’ve put a fair amount of thought into the game (I like to be thorough when I’m being silly), but I’m always ready to embrace an new idea I hadn’t thought of.
The full version (beta, anyway) will be ready to play this Saturday at my party, if the party is in the mood for a game.