Weekend: Salon-Party a fabulous success (*pirouette*); eclectic group, fluidly bubbling with conversation groups on everything.
Great time at Black Rose Ball; I *love* dance and meeting women.
Huge snow-storm audience at the Rocky show; I was delirious except for when padfootwhore was being mean to me (no matter– I spewed Acid on her later).
I write this slathered in salt grains. I feel a flare for demonstracity, and I’m playing with it.
Someone recently quoted, “Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26.” For me, more than resigned to the possibility, I want to embrace it. Not because good women are difficult to find. I go on dates sometimes, but my life isn’t the kind of thing that most people would be interested in joining in on.
I intend to live hard. And not in a nice way– my life will leave my mind twisted, my soul tortured, and my body wasted. I’ll live poor and over-worked. I won’t settle in anywhere. I’ll only get weirder with age. I’ll always be obsessed with projects that only a mother could love, and my relationship will never be the most important thing in my life.
I mentioned this to my philosophical father. He suggested that swallow-the-keys commitment might have more for me than I was considering. Life with another person forces one to confront one’s flaws. And I want that, but I hope friends can give it to me (that’s where you come in).
I’m very comfortable with my flaws, or my rate of progress in working on them. They rarely bother me, but I know some of them bother other people. And the flaws that affect other people don’t directly affect me, so it’s easy for me to just not notice them.
So my question to anyone who thinks they have any part of an answer: What are my worst flaws?
Any answer would be doing me an honor, so don’t worry about protecting my ego or mis-flawing me. You won’t hurt me, and I want to know however my flaws appear, and I’ll worry about whether they are at-bottom how they manifested themselves to you. Give as much detail as possible (and specific grievances, if you remember them). Thank you!