[anecdote] Breaking and Entering

C. came over this evening to work on a project. While she’s here, the door bell rings, and I answer it to see my good friend, A. She came, I find out, for her first date with my apartment mate. They leave.

An hour later, there’s a flash as something whizzes by and bangs on the ground near me. My thoughts: “What was that? Where did that come from? What *was* that? Hey, that was K. hiding behind the door!” As I’m picking up the chocolate they threw to distract me, in come three friends, J., K., and L., from the *back* of my apartment. They proceed to write a card for me, and disappear back the way they came– through my bedroom window. Now, hours later, I still can’t believe it. They broke into my apartment to give me chocolate. God I love my friends.

Another hour passes and C. leaves and I go over to visit J., K., and L. for a half hour. On the way back, I see that someone has left fast food trash in my recycling bin, so I bring it around to empty it in the trash bins. And I look up and see the shadows of two people (A. and my apartment mate) making out on my living room couch. Knowing them, I’d ruin everything if I came in. Before today, I’d never been in that situation, and before today, I wouldn’t have a clue what to do, but now it’s obvious. I go around back, and sneak in through my window.

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