A batch of LJ memes have been circling around Rocky recently. I looked at them and I was, well, underwhelmed. So I decided to make my own (rather, to make a program that can make them). Try them out!
- The Book Quiz: What somewhat classic literary work are you? Based on lists and pages from Amazon. Slow.
- The Rocky Quiz: Which member of FBC are you? Based on the public cast/crew profiles.
- The Fetish Quiz: Which sexual fetish are you? Based on Wikipedia articles. The result is not work-safe (the image comes from a automated “safe-search-off” Google image search).
The questions all come from a Myers-Briggs test (because it’s an easy place to get questions). You can answer as many or few questions as you want to get a result.
These are largely automated systems, so even if the system isn’t buggy (not guaranteed– I didn’t test very long), the results may be counter-intuitive. The quizzes work by comparing word frequencies in Google search results of your answers to word frequencies in the various “result” pages.