I now have my one-way ticket to parts unknown! I leave July 4 from NYC and fly into Sao Paulo, Brazil. There, I find a place to leave my moving-bag, and spend the next couple weeks or months trekking around the country. PLUS, the funnest person in the entire world is going to meet me to explore (read: cut down) the Amazon– getting drunk on riverboats, hanging off trees, seducing headhunters, discovering new species, endless craziness!
Time is running out… My schedule for the next two months includes:
- This Saturday: Rocky Party! Cast, crew, and their guests are invited. Come to get drunk, naked, and off.
- May 30: Salon Party! Come if you love discussion! Wine, philosophy, and good company.
- June: Poker night? ICA visit? Camping trip? Vege dinner party? Drug orgy? Everything I have time for (which, admittedly, will be limited)! Salons on June 10 and 24!
- June 28: Brazillian Party!!! (Going Away Party)– EVERYONE should come to this! It starts Saturday evening, and continues into the Rocky afterparty. I’ll set up an evite in June.
I need to go climbing, dancing, driving, hashing; I need to get my visa, storage, jobs, and give use sell pack and trash all my stuff; I need to finish teaching my Future seminar, writing up my other seminars for OpenCourseWare, and coding a working beta of the Travelers Network. And I need to spend all the rest of the time with good friends.
I’m torn: I don’t want to lose my friends here! But I don’t want to try to force a remote-presence, like some awful year-long goodbye, and I don’t want to distance myself from the incredible things I can be doing in Brazil. I’ll probably never return to greater-Cambridge, except to visit, but there are too many special people here that I don’t want to lose track of, touch with, or connection to.
Should I start posting every day, like the LJ blogs with very active readerships?
Should I build an virtual park/living room, where I can run into friends online?
Should I just forget everyone, like I’ve done in the past?
Would you join a group forum, where we commit to posting something notable every 10 days?
Would you Skype with me every once in a while, just to catch up?
Live fully.