I’m so happy, I could shout. The whole world– well, at least Brazil– was praying for this and watching with as much anticipation as we did. I’ll always worry about democracy and the future, but last night the US showed that it was a far better courier of those two abstracts than I hitherto barely hoped.
I think it’s likely that Obama will become the best president I’ve been alive for. The president in the show the West Wing was said to modeled after Clinton– but to me Jed Bartlet’s unflappable energy, intelligence, ability to inspire, and liberal courage seems to be a reflection of Barack Obama.
Even so, there was a voice of racism in me. I wondered, as I saw him walk out for his speech, “A black man? Is he going to be able to handle this? He isn’t going to do anything crazy, is he?” And I could answer myself, yes, a very fine black man at that; yes, he’ll handle it with grace and style; and no, he’s going to set a lot of crazy things right. But I’m ashamed that I asked the questions in that light.
I have half a mind to move to Washington and start working the man. It an incredible thing to have the country in the hands of someone you respect.
Congratulations, Mr. President-Elect. You make us proud.